Ole man (on a) River: Kayaking the Mississippi River from Source to Sea

Ole man (on a) River: Kayaking the Mississippi River from Source to Sea

  • $12.71

Ole man (on a) River: Kayaking the Mississippi River from Source to Sea

This is the story of an ordinary bloke who along with a friend decided that they would tackle the 4th longest river in the world - The Mighty Mississippi. Travelling unsupported for the entire journey join them as they endure the loneliness and crushing boredom of the 'green hell' of the upper reaches, through the lock systems and hydro electric power plant dams, avoiding the huge barges and, in the lower reaches, ocean going ships. Stay with them as they camped on organised sites in the wilderness areas and mud banks or sandbars in the lower reaches. With no previous experience of kayaking, Ken and his paddle partner Grace, make an unlikely pair. He is a 59 year old grandfather and she is a 22 year old sports coach but they both share the same passion for adventure. Undertaken to raise funds for the Theodora Children's Charity so that they can supply entertainers to children in hospitals and hospices around the UK this expedition diary will have you laughing and crying as you travel along with them
Binding Paperback
EANs 9781520144641
Manufacturer Independently published
ProductGroup Book
Title Ole man (on a) River: Kayaking the Mississippi River from Source to Sea

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